
Hål 4 - Mynten

Visste du att Sveriges första mynt gjordes i Sigtuna?
Det var kung Olof Skötkonung som inrättade ett mynthus runt år 995. Under fyrtio års tid slogs inte mindre än två miljoner små silvermynt här! På silvermynten fanns bland annat inskriften OLOF REX SVEVORUM – Olof Svearnas konung.

Att vi idag vet detta beror på de fynd som gjorts i Sigtunas svarta jord. Den svarta jorden har jordlager som är uppemot 3 meter djupa och innehåller tusen års avlagringar. På tomten mitt emot Sigtuna museum fann arkeologer kungens mynthus.

I svarta jorden fanns fynd av verkstaden, myntspill, stampavtryck i bly och mynt!

För tusen år sedan hade svearna dålig koll på myntens värde i en valuta, myntets värde bestämdes istället utifrån sin vikt. Därför är en del myntfynd halva mynt. Mynten delades helt enkelt vid betalning om det behövdes.

Hur ofta har du mynt i fickan numera?

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The Coins
Did you know that Sweden's first coin was made in Sigtuna?

Around the year 995, King Olof Skötkonung set up a Royal Mint, where coins were manufactured. For forty years, no less than two million small silver coins were produced here! The silver coins had the inscription OLOF REX SVEVORUM - Olof King of Swedes.

We know this today thanks to the objects that were found in Siguna’s black soil. The black soil has layers that are up to 3 meters deep and contain a thousand years of deposits layered on top of each other. Archaeologists found the King’s Mint on the property opposite of where Sigtuna Museum currently is located. There, in the black soil, they found remains from the workshop, coin waste, stamp imprints in lead, and coins!

A thousand years ago, the Swedes could not quite figure out the currency value of the coins, and their value was instead decided based on their weight. As a result, some of the coins finds are halves. The coins were simply split in two upon payment if needed.

How often do you have coins in your pocket nowadays?


193 30 SIGTUNA
Telefon: 08-59256060


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